Lussemburgo / Monumento

Stumbling Sill



Indicazioni stradali

At the initiative of students from the catholic private school Ste-Anne, on 25 January 2013 a ’Stumbling sill’ was inaugurated on the square where before the Second World War a great number of Jewish shops had existed. This stumbling sill should remind passersby of the vivid Jewish life that had existed in Ettelbruck before the Shoah.

The students, guided by their teachers and in cooperation with students from the Max-Planck-Gymnasium of Trier (Germany) had elaborated an exhibition showing the history of the Jewish community of Ettelbruck during the Shoah.

The German artist Gunter Demnig, creator of Stumbling stones and stumbling sills, had come to Ettelbruck to install the stumbling sill.

Such a stumbling sill is meant to make passers-by ’stumble‘ over the history of the Shoah in this area, forcing them to remember the Jewish life in Ettelbruck before the Shoah.

The inscription reads:

A la Mémoire des Juifs d’Ettelbruck – victimes de la Shoah.


Zum Gedenken an die Juden aus Ettelbrück.  Opfer der Shoah.

Place de la Résistance, Ettelbruck, L-9087, Luxembourg